Born January 17 1952 in Lodz, Poland
Master of Fine Art PWSSP Lodz, Poland
June 1977
Three life passion:
love to God
love to people
love to art
Life Motto:
"All that is not eternal is eternally out of date." --C. S. Lewis
“The word „works” does not express the essence of those natural, gifted with colors – like from the horn of plenty, full of fantasy, poetical –let say- events, not works. They are light and make the impression they were painted easily. Though, I know from the author, she comes back to them repeatedly and never considers them as finished. The ease of painting, never rigor, let the author move in the twinkling of an eye from one reality to another. From a great portrait of a child she can make a symphony of colors and forms. Well know, day-to-day elements make dashing variations of landscape, colorful, vibrating like an amazing flowery meadow. Even small nostalgic landscape with a lost figure on the mount path is full of human solicitude, pity, and love, a bit embarrassed of her. However, it is not a modest painting, nor ascetic. Rather full of temperament and energy, hardily restrained and full of love, maybe not even for the painting itself, but for life in its every aspect. Stefania brought up seven children, and now – as she says – can paint at last. There is a time and place for everything. I didn’t meet such a positive person for a long time. The apparent stylistic dissonance seems not to bother me (and I don’t really know why?) - putting together nearly photographic realism with colorful, expressive informel. Everything seems to go along so naturally as it is only in dreams. It is so maybe because all the artistic techniques, so easily used to express unexpressed, something that is in our unconsciousness or in human soul – whatever it is, it is seen in the process of painting. The artist stops at the form and - as she says- starts with colors and shape – meaning paints. The paint – understood as an art, not craft, starts and finishes in the level of paint. What is in the middle is a secret between the creator, receiver and maybe someone else, who knows…? Well, maybe you need only a talent, this special gift for chosen ones. Besides, Stafania bakes bread – very delicious and whoever wants a recipe, she gives. Recipe for bread, not paintings unfortunately." Janusz Cegiela